Sunday, November 10, 2013

The lies politicians say

America is in the harsh reality of the roll out of Obamacare , AKA the affordable health care act. To put it bluntly , we were lied to. Repeatedly we were told prices would go down and if you liked your insurance you could keep your insurance, nobody was going to take that away from you. The reality of the situation though is that people are losing their insurance in numbers far greater than have signed up for the program and costs have gone way up for many , if not most people. The government web site was a poorly designed piece of crap that failed miserably when it went online. We are now being promised it will be fixed by the end of the month but it should have never been rolled out without being properly tested in the first place. Security concerns abound regarding it as well. Privacy issues and the possibility of identity fraud are being highly questioned about it. I still remember Nancy Pelosi saying "We have to pass it to find out what's in it." as the Democrats pushed threw the bill. At the time I thought that was the most insulting and irresponsible statement I had ever heard come out of a politicians mouth. How her constituents keep voting her in to office is beyond my comprehension. So , How's that whole pass it to find out what's in it thing working out for them? I sure hope they take a hard look at this whole issue and it's effects before they vote for her again. They will probably just blindly go vote her in again like good little sheep but I hope not. The simple fact is that the left / democrats have blindly been following the false promises spoon fed to them and demonizing anyone who disagrees with them as being a racist narrow minded right wingers. They blame the Tea Party for paralyzing the government , but are oblivious to the damage and rampant unreasonable spending and incompetence their own party is doing. In fact it came out a little bit ago the democrats want to just do away with the debt limit all together. Sure why not ... I mean lets just put a brick on the gas pedal of the bus and point it at a cliff just so that the incumbents in office don't have to face a debate on spending and how badly they are driving us into unsustainable debt during an election year! They may want to blame the tea party faction for paralyzing government but it was the Obama administration that was trying to inflict the most pain it could during the shut down to scare everyone. Suddenly open air national monuments were fenced off , something that has never been done in any past shut downs. This not only cost money to do but pissed off large amounts of people. Veterans of our wars were not allowed to see the memorials but Obama opened up the national mall to let a group of illegals in for a rally on immigration reform! And the Democrats and the left wonder why a large percentage of the population believe Obama isn't looking out for Americas best interests? It's no wonder his numbers are in the tank for approval ratings. The cracks in the cult of Obama is starting to show. Finally the media is even starting to question what is going on. It helps after they have finally realized that the most "transparent administration in history"(that was what was promised to us, yet another lie) is nothing transparent at all. The left has also been silent on the rapidly deterioration of our civil liberties. If Bush was in office they would be crying bloody murder about it but since their man Obama is doing it they turn a blind eye as programs that monitor every move we make are implemented. The left is showing their blatant hypocrisy totally oblivious to the reality of the situation. Don't get me wrong , I am no fan of the hard right either. They are not blameless in this situation and have not been helping things get much better. I am not opposed to a reform in the national health care system but the parties are to busy pointing fingers and tugging on the rope to get control of power to do any of us the job we sent them up there for. Both parties are now blaming Ted Cruz and the tea party for all the issues. That's just an easy cop out though as it displaces the incompetence of the two major parties and directs it wrongly to someone else. Say what you will about Ted Cruz but at least he stood up and represented the people who sent him there! Too many other politicians are just representing special interests and big money. In time hopefully the issues with the AHA roll out will be fixed but I for one am not rushing out to sign up until I am sure the servers are secure, my privacy and medical records will remain private and out of the hands of identity thieves and you can actually get on to the web site in a timely manner. Some glitches are to be expected in a massive change up to the system like we are having forced on us but after spending over 100 + million on the web site the American people should expect more bang for the buck and have a system that wasn't so poorly designed. Frankly I want a big chunk of that 100 + million back as we the taxpayers should not have to pay the bill to fix it. We should be back-charging the incompetent people who made the original site to get it fixed. I am sure that will never happen due to the corruption and backscratching that goes on in Washington DC but it should! If the left and the Obama administration want to prove me wrong then by all means do it! Get our money back from the incompetent people who designed that site and pay for the fix! With the amount we spent on that piece of crap web site it should have worked! How much do you want to bet the money for the site went straight into people pockets and paid for luxury homes and items rather than website design! Will the administration demand an audit? Will they do what's right for the American people or will they shield their friends that took the money and ran? Time will tell but most people who watch the system with their eyes wide open and not threw blinders of hero worship and apathy already know the answer. Until next time Lasco X

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