Sunday, January 30, 2022

Good riddance to Neil and Jonnie

 It has been a long time since I had a chance to sit down and rant in this forum, but here goes since we are continuing to see the erosion of free speech in the USA.  The ironic thing is that it's now coming from those who used to champion that same right.  Recently Neil Young asked for his music to be pulled from Spotify followed by Joanie Mitchel and a few others.  News flash to Joanie and Neil, you two stopped being relevent long ago but hey, its within your right to make the request.  

  Don't get me wrong, I still actually enjoy their music and appreciate their contribution they have made in the past.  I just find it hypocritical that two of the champions of free speech in the past have now joined the cancel culture mentality of the present day.  I also question if either one of them even took the time to listen to Joe Rogan's podcast or if they just tossed this out as a means of drawing themselves back into the spotlight for a last hurrah. I have listened to the Joe Rogan podcast and didn't find it offensive. I don't necessarily agree with all that was said on it, but I do appreciate the alternative voices and ideas being put forth on the podcast. The CDC and Fauci have done their own share of flip flopping on the issue of Covid and have disseminated their own brand of misinformation along this rocky path that has been the last two years. That is not my opinion, that is simple fact. 

 Alternate views and the ability to express those ideas are vital to the progress of expanding the common intelligence of the world community.  Things like discussions on ivermectin would have been a lot better if Fauci and the CDC did not dismiss them out right in the battle against covid and had properly explained that the success they were seeing in other parts of the world was due to the fact that in many of those areas parasitic infections were high in numbers. those types of parasitic infections neutralize the immune system as its busy combating the parasites and opens the subjects up to covid and other disease entities, allowing them to foster without natural resistance. That is important enough to repeat, the ivermectin, which is an anti- parasitic kills the parasites and allows the body to heal naturally, by letting the body to fight off covid infections by killing parasitic infections that suppress the immune system. 

  Overall covid cases have proven to be actually mild in the vast bulk of the cases. (By saying that I am not trying to diminish the horrible impact that covid has had on the most vulnerable in society which it has killed over the past two years, by and large for the most part though most people who contracted covid had mild symptoms and were well within a few days. The ones that were hit the hardest were the ones with preexisting conditions and the elderly which often have the aforementioned preexisting conditions)

  It seems that these days people like to live in echo chambers and only like to hear what they already believe or have been taught to believe by the constant drum beat of corporate media. News flash to anyone reading this, the corporate media is basically just propaganda at this point. It cuts both ways, to the left and the right with people are being directed to think in a desired manner. This often leads to a divide and conquer mentality that keeps the masses against each other rather than working together to solve issues.  Things like my body, my choice and follow the science don't apply when it's turned around to those who question the effectiveness of vaccines and those who say that science says the unborn child is a life.  The left doesn't want to hear those issues and facts tossed back at them in the same manner they boldly use to defend abortion and climate science, but that does not erase the truth that lays within those views of those who twist their own logic against them. 

 The people who question the effectiveness of vaccines do so for some valid reasons. Personally, I am not an anti-vaxer  but when the argument is put forth that the covid vax is just like the Smallpox vax and others that have come before it, they are wrong!  The vaccines that are often cited actually worked!  It was a one and done shot that prevented you from contracting and spreading the disease.  Thats why many look at the current covid vaccination shots and say, "Well, they want us to get the first shot, and then a second shot .... and then boosters ... and more boosters ... and even more booster and I can still get covid and pass it on to others?   WTF!?!?! " 

 And yet many just blindly accept the do it or you will cause everyone to die mentality. Now you have some on the so-called compassionate left saying .. " Those who don't get the vaccine should just be allowed to DIE, fuck them, they did not get the vaccine that we got, it doesn't work as promised but hey, we should have the hospital beds when we contract covid ... that the vaccine was supposed to protect us from .. but never mind that little fact .. those hospital beds should be ours!"    Such a nice attitude from those that profess to be so liberal, enlightened and compassionate! 

   Free speech, everyone has it or nobody does. 

  The same protections that allow others to profess that you can be whatever sex you want or defend your rights also applies to those that disagree with you, and say they are not comfortable with a vaccine that while proven to be somewhat effective is not as effective as everyone expected or had hoped for.  The right that gives one group of people the personal say and protection over of their bodies is the same rights others have as well.  

 Neil and Joanie have a right to pull their music from Spotify, and Joe Rogan has a right not to be canceled and say what he feels while he keeps bringing us alternate ideas and opinions. Those who seek to silence others do so at their own peril. Those who seek do deny others the right to stand up and say,    " Is this really correct and are we being told the truth here? " Do so to their own detriment! 

  As I said before, Free speech, everyone has it or nobody really does! 

The same protections that one group claims apply to everyone.  I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it.  I will consider what you say, but I reserve the right to disagree with it.  It's not too much to ask that you do the same! Unfortunately, in today's society that simple concept seems to be lost on many and those who spoke out in favor of free speech in the past but now seem to want to cancel others. Shame on them for falling into the double standard mentality that they once expounded as the right way to be in regard to free speech and ideas.    

   So, when Neil Young says he supports free speech and is against censorship but then tosses out ultimatums saying its either Joe Rogan or him ... Thats when I say good riddance to Neil Young and endorse Joe Rogan to keep speaking his mind. I do so because I actually support free speech and quite frankly find Joe Rogan more informative and entertaining than Neil Young has been in the recent past.

   Until next time, be safe and keep yourself informed. 

      Lasco X