Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our fading right to privacy

I read today that the 9th circuit court ruled that it is lawful for the authorities to sneak on your property and install a gps tracker on your car without a warrant. That notion is being challenged over on the east side of the country so the issue will likely end up in the supreme court but it certainly is a sign of the times. We live in an age of unwarranted wiretaps, sneak and peek searches and implanted surveillance devices such as cameras and microphones in computers that can be accessed remotely. Satellite imagery is refined and programs like google earth has been reported as monitoring wireless computer networks. There is a push to move to cloud computing systems - basically your information will be stored on servers off in cyberspace and not on your own computer. Programs like this and other programs like "Go to my PC" and the countless backup programs that store your PC's data off at remote , supposedly "secure" sites are becoming common place and accepted by a naive and unsuspecting public. The public at large does not see the implications of what is going on around them. The notion of "If your not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about" is being spread across society. But what about the right to think freely, going across the grain and norm. What about the right not to conform to group think and to think for ones self! The infringements into personal privacy will one day hobble society to the point where people will no longer think freely, great concepts will not be pursued as society will push people into conforming with the "norm". Freedom of privacy should not be a luxury item afforded only to the rich of society. Our constitution guarantees our right to reasonable privacy in our own homes and persons. It is not something we should give up willingly or lightly but so many are willing to do just that! "Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither liberty or security" - Ben Franklin. Our liberties are being attacked with greater and greater attacks, the hand writing is on the wall! To bad people seem to stupid or lazy to read the warnings these days. To put it another way, the frogs in the pot aren't bobbing trying to swim! they are already dead in the water moving because the water is boiling!
Just food for thought on a sunny day
Until next time
Lasco X

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