Sunday, December 6, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Summit aka A lot of hot air

I admit it. I am an unabashed, unashamed global warming skeptic. I won't deny that for a period of time we were in a warming cycle. The planet has been warming since the last ice age. The planet warms and cools in natural cycles and man in my opinion has a minuscule impact on controlling the planets temperature. I consider myself to be a reasonable environmentalist. I can see the logic in reducing pollution and recycling. I have always thought that clear cutting trees was irresponsible and a blatant rape of the land. I also believe that forest management and logging that is respectful to the environment is a necessary part of life. I make a living building houses and buildings so believe me I'm not naive, wood is a necessary part of life and it has to come from somewhere. The concept of renewable energy has always been a good idea in my book. I lived threw the energy crisis back in the 70's and think it was stupid of us not to embrace the concept sooner.

So now we have the Copenhagen Climate Summit starting up this week. Delegates from around the world will come together in a massive display of concerted propaganda based on doctored data. Fortunately it has already been admitted by the planners of the conference that not a whole lot is really going to come out of this demonstration. Naturally Al Gore is saying that the measures proposed by the conference will not be enough. Personally as far as Al Gore is concerned I have a hard time listening to him preach to us about being responsible to the environment when he has a carbon footprint 20 - 30 times larger than the average person. It often seems that the wheel that squeaks the loudest consumes the most grease. I don't hate the guy, he has done some good things, but his film an "inconvenient truth" had several errors that he has yet to correct or even really acknowledge. The recent climategate info hack reveled manipulations in the data to prove the presupposed results. Naturally the scientists involved are saying that this doesn't change anything, it doesn't matter that the data was manipulated?! I guess the old saying is true... If you tell a lie enough times people will think it is the truth.

Currently on the Drudge report they have a link to an article written by Gary Suttom entitled "The fiction of climate science" It's a good read and talks about how in the 70's the big rage out of the science community was the coming ice age. I remember the headlines back then and the hype for global warming is very similar to back then. Personally I have to applaud the hacker that exposed the doctored data conspiracy. Maybe now we can have an honest debate and an objective look at the impact we are having on the planet.

I believe in reasonable , responsible science. I just question if we are really getting it. To me chemtrails and weather manipulation science is dangerous territory. Much like what we see from the big pharmaceutical companies, quite often, the cure is worse than the disease.

I am all in favor of limiting harmful chemicals getting into our water, earth and air. It's just that the last time I checked the stuff we exhale , Carbon dioxide, wasn't a bad thing. Plants seem to love the stuff. Let's just hope that our scientists get back to basics and study as Joe Friday from Dragnet often said "Just the facts"

Until next time
Lasco X

post note: The New York Post has an artical on Drudge Report stating that to get all the Delegates to the confrence and entertain them will generate 40,000 tons of carbon or the equivalant of what 30 of the smaller countries on the planet generate in a day.

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